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The Nutrition-Fertility Connection

Today many women have difficulty with infertility. Where there are many causes, nutrition plays a definite role in the ability to become pregnant. The nutrition-fertility connection is widely recognized in animal breeding, but sadly, it is often ignored in humans.
Steps to Pregnancy
Many factors must come together to create a new life. A viable egg must be released from one of the ovaries. This process depends upon healthy ovaries and upon hormonal regulation. The egg must enter and travel down a fallopian tube, where it must encounter a viable sperm cell in order for fertilization to occur. The fertilized egg must implant itself in the wall of the uterus and must have adequate nourishment and the proper and environment for its growth.
This process is complex and quite miraculous. A textbook of gynecology lists hundreds of dysfunctions, abnormalities and possible problems that prevent ovulation, fertilization or implantation of the egg. Hormonal balance, tissue acidity, bacterial flora, composition of cervical mucus and uterine secretions and other factors must all be correct for pregnancy to occur. While doctors tend to focus on the reproductive organs, in fact the condition of the entire body affects one's ability to become pregnant.
The Role of Nutrition
Nutrition influences pregnancy in systemic as well as specific ways. Systemic effects include the overall nutritional status of a person and the oxidation rate. These affect all tissues, organs, glands and hormones.
Very slow oxidizers, for example, generally have low levels of female hormones and secretions tend to be more alkaline. Slow oxidizers are more prone to certain alterations of mucosal flora, such as overgrowth of Candida alb cans. This is especially true of women who use birth control pills, steroids or antibiotic medication.
Low hormone levels often result in menstrual abnormalities. Alteration of the pH and mucosal flora can affect transport of the egg, fertilization and implantation.
Let us now focus on a few specific nutrients that powerfully affect fertility.
Copper - The Fertility Mineral
Copper is called the fertility mineral because it is so essential for pregnancy. For pregnancy to occur, the level of copper must rise along with the level of estrogen. Copper and estrogen must stay elevated for pregnancy to continue. Copper imbalance is related to some of the symptoms of pregnancy including nausea, appetite changes, breast swelling and even changes in personality. Some women feel ill during pregnancy. Others feel much better and experience depression when copper levels fall after delivery of the child.
Copper may be too high, too low or biologically unavailable. Any copper imbalance can affect fertility, because of the intimate connection between copper and the sex hormones. Copper imbalance is also associated with scarring and adhesions, both common causes of infertility. Copper imbalance also increases the risk of infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease, another cause of infertility.
Fears can raise copper levels. This may explain one psychological cause of infertility. Other factors that affect copper balance are stress of any kind, weak adrenal glands and the level of vitamin C, manganese, zinc, B vitamins, sulfur and molybdenum.
Zinc is a balancing element for copper. Zinc deficiency is one cause of a copper imbalance. Zinc is also essential for RNA transference, an enzyme involved in protein synthesis. Zinc deficiency has been shown to produce birth defects. A very defective ovum will not be able to implant, or a miscarriage will occur. It is probably no accident that the infertility rate is higher today in America, and zinc levels in the population are lower.
Zinc is depleted by stress. Also, many diets are deficient in zinc. The soil is zinc deficient in 32 of the 50 states. Refining flour and sugar removes zinc. The move away from meat eating may also lower zinc levels, as meats are an excellent source of zinc. Vegetarian proteins, in contrast, are lower in zinc and higher in copper.
Seminal fluid, high in zinc, nourishes the sperm for up to several days until fertilization occurs. Zinc deficiency in the father may contribute to a reduced number of viable sperm and reduced sperm motility. Zinc is also needed for the woman's immune system, to protect against pelvic infections that can impair fertility. It may require a year or more to replenish zinc in the body.
Toxic Metals
An excess of toxic metals in a woman is related to infertility, still births, miscarriages and other reproductive problems. Reproductive difficulty is often the first sign of chronic poisoning in animal experiments. While all the mechanisms are not known, toxic metals often act by displacing vital minerals in tissues and in enzyme binding sites. They may affect fertility by diminishing organ function, impairing tissue integrity, creating adhesions or altering the normal flora and pH of the vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes. Several years may be required to remove toxic metals. For this reason, balancing body chemistry should begin long before one wishes to become pregnant.
In summary, scientific nutrition can play an important role in enhancing human reproductive function. Not only may it enhance fertility, but the imbalances of the parents will not be passed on to the children, thus creating a healthier new generation.
Trained and certified by the inventors of hair analysis at the Eck Institute of Applied Nutrition and Bioenergetics, Director Grace Allison, is a successful health and wellness coach who has been practicing for more than 18 years as metabolic nutritional consultant. She has faced many life challenges, including a life-threatening disease, and used what she encountered as a stimulus to gain greater happiness and fulfillment.
Her approach to nutrition is unique compared to doctors, chiropractors and even other nutritionists. Director Allison is an educator of nutrition. Up till now, no one has provided the public with good consistent information about nutrition. Most people rely on the expertise of a sales clerk to evaluate their nutritional and supplement needs.
The link between nutrition and behavior is profound and dramatic. People often need a coach to assist them in making the life-style changes necessary. For almost two decades Director Allison has lovingly assisted people all over the world. She has been credited with changing and saving many lives.

Pregnancy Nutrition Advice For Mother and Child

If you happen to be expecting a baby or if you are looking into pregnancy tips, then one thing you are going to want to give priority to is pregnancy nutrition. After all, this defenseless little one is relying on YOU to give it all of the vitamins and minerals that it needs to grow and function normally.
You will be able to help avoid birth defects or having a premature baby by looking after your own pregnancy diet because, in turn, you are actually looking after your baby's health and well-being. You must consume just the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and calories in order for your baby to grow.
Even though you may be taking prenatal vitamins, you need to have a good handle about other things that you should be eating in order to ensure your pregnancy nutrition is up to scratch. Yes, it is true that your doctor will prescribe prenatal vitamins but there is even more that you should be doing to ensure that you have a perfect, little "bundle of joy".
You must ask yourself the following questions:
Is it necessary to take iron supplements? What vitamins need to be taken on a daily basis? What foods should I avoid? If I am a diabetic, how can I get enough sugars to my baby? Why is each trimester different in terms of pregnancy nutrition?
Naturally you want the best for your baby, and pregnancy nutrition has to be on top of your list. That is why you add some sliced fruit to your fortified cereal in the morning, put some extra veggies in your favorite recipes, and eat some delicious yogurt for dessert.
However, do you know what foods to avoid on your pregnancy diet? Seafood can be a very good source of iron and protein as well as the omega-3 fatty acids. This can help promote the development of your baby's brain. Research has shown that if you skimp on seafood during your pregnancy, this may help contribute to poor verbal skills. It may also lead to behavioral problems and other developmental issues as the child grows.
Some shellfish and fish should not be included in pregnancy nutrition as they may contain dangerous levels of mercury. If you happen to consume too much mercury, this may damage the nervous system of your developing baby. The older and bigger the fish, the more mercury it is liable to contain. It is advisable that pregnant women avoid eating these fish:
King mackerel, Swordfish, Shark, Tilefish.
Then, what kinds of fish may be consumed as part of your pregnancy nutrition diet? The EPA as well as the FDA says that pregnant women will be able to eat up to 12 ounces a week of the following:
Salmon, Catfish, Shrimp, Cod, Pollock, Canned light tuna.
During pregnancy, you may experience changes in your circulation and metabolism. This may increase the risk of getting bacterial food poisoning. Since you are pregnant, your reaction may be more severe than if you were not. Hopefully, this article on pregnancy nutrition has made you realize how very important pregnancy nutrition is. Remember, you control the destiny of your child.
Click on the following to learn more about pregnancy nutrition. Also, here's another article about pregnancy nutrition advice.

Nutrition Secrets "They" Don't Want You to Know About ?

Today we know more about vitamins, minerals and nutrition in general then ever before, but at the same time there are various elements of the media and medical community that want to keep everyone in the dark about the true role and power that vitamins play in our health and life.
As many who study natural health, nutrition and those who subscribe to various newsletters such as this, the pharmaceutical companies are a major front in the war against nutrition. That's because it's been known since the turn of the last century that the cause of nearly all degenerative diseases as well as the weakening of the immune system that makes one susceptible to communicable diseases are deficiencies of various key nutrients or total lack of them altogether.
Of course this knowledge has been carefully and cleverly hidden from the public for over one hundred years now since they can't have people learning that they can be healthy merely by taking the right nutrients and the right amounts of each. That's why as is the case with vitamin C and many other vitamins, the RDA for most nutrients is pathetically low and barely enough to keep you alive, let alone for you to be healthy and strong.
Since the mid 1800's, the naturopathic doctor has ceaselessly and constantly come under attack by the MD's and organized medical community. As the mechanized view of the body and the germ theory of disease began to become more accepted along with the belief that chemicals and drugs were the way of the future, the attacks became more frequent, bold and progressed to outright lies at times. That's because the MD, with his surgical procedures, chemical drugs, fancy concoctions and useless medical terminology had much more potential for financial gain than did the naturopath or "country doctor". They saw the country doctor as a threat to their growing influence and livelihood as well. In fact the medical terminology that doctors use was created precisely to make the average person feel ignorant and stupid and to keep people from ever trying to diagnose or cure themselves.
The AMA was formed in 1847 specifically to protect the profits and practices of doctors, the MD, not the "country doctor" who they came to view as backwards and outdated. Of course they know that the methods and cures of the country doctor were far better, cheaper and safer than the drugs and surgery approach of the "medical doctor", also known as the "Slash and Burn" method, but it was all about the profits, so if the AMA was going to represent any group they knew that the MD's offered them the greatest chance at profits, growth and power. The AMA is a union created specifically for doctors, NOT patients, not to find cures, not to prevent disease, but to protect the profits of doctors. Just like any union, its job is to protect the jobs and income of its members. The AMA is not the wonderful, benign or righteous agency that it tries to convince the world that it is.
The western allopathic medical establishments knows that nutrition prevents disease and cures most non-communicable and even many communicable diseases as well. That's why they work so hard to suppress this knowledge and why they keep trying to get nutrients like vitamin C labeled as a "drug". They haven't yet, but they're not giving up on this either.
In the book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration", Dr. Weston A. Price details his discoveries in the 1920's of primitive tribes and cultures around the world that were models of health and free of dental caries and degenerative diseases. Since he was a dentist searching for the cause of cavities (caries), that was the main focus of his book. However, he also discovered in his research and travels that a solid and irrefutable link existed between those who had cavities, crowded teeth, and "malformed" faces, and those that lacked nutrition. When the native peoples began to eat the modern processed foods devoid of real nutrients and loaded with chemicals and artificial ingredients, they too suffered the same dental and health problems as those raised on such diets. When the native peoples went back to their traditional whole foods diet, cavities that were progressing ceased and the next generation of children were born with perfect teeth and greatly improved immunity as had the previously untouched generations.
Knowledge such as this is powerful, and it's this kind of knowledge that the "powers that be" don't want too many people knowing about. The less real knowledge and truth that you have about how to prevent and eliminate disease and degenerative conditions with the power of nutrition, herbs, exercise, deep breathing, meditation, relaxation and many other natural and alternative methods, the more people will suffer needlessly while the people who control these organizations, including pharmaceutical companies, doctors and hospitals all get richer. The rest of us will continue to get poorer while trying to pay for this system of useless, dangerous and deadly so-called "medicines" and procedures.
The inexpensiveness and effectiveness of natural cures and the cultures that practice them, such as the Chinese, are a direct threat to the stranglehold that the western medical system has on this country and most of the world. That is one of the main reasons why many aspects of Chinese medicine were so strongly suppressed, laughed at, made fun of, ridiculed and ignored in the past thirty or so years.
It was through the actions of the patients themselves, who kept going to Chinese doctors and other natural doctors and spreading the word of how effective these methods were, that finally got the western medical establishment to start taking notice of Chinese medicine and other natural treatments. They realized that since they couldn't suppress this any longer, they might as well admit how well it works so that they can control it, regulate it, license it and at least make some money off of it. This is especially the case with acupuncture. Even though they reject the Chinese explanations of Chi flow and balance and prefer to believe that it's just effecting the nerves of the body or it's an out of control placebo effect, they still allowed it to be practiced and covered by insurance as a valid and effective cure for certain illnesses.
Getting proper nutrition is vitally important, which is why I juice several times a week to make sure that I'm getting plenty of vital nutrients into my body and I can feel this as I drink the life in the juice down. What's also interesting is that this is also a great way to help one lose weight, since juicing delivers tons of nutrients into the body; hunger often disappears for several hours or more afterward and it seems to also raise metabolism since the body is getting tons of nutrients and enzymes to function with greater efficiency and at a higher level.
I lost over twenty pounds when I started juicing about five times a week. As my appetite decreased and my taste for carrots, celery, broccoli, spinach and such increased, I no longer wanted to put pastries, pizza and doughnuts or other junk food into my body and certainly not fast food. After juicing at lunch time each day at one of my jobs, I often ate my last meal at 3 pm in the afternoon, had no dinner and was not even hungry till about 8 am the next morning. Even then I was not ravenous at all and could have easily gone till lunch without eating anything at all. That's because when you're hungry, your body is not so much craving the solid matter. . . it's craving the nutrients in foods, real nutrients from natural, whole foods. Since juicing delivers large amounts of these nutrients to the body in liquid form, your body has plenty of nutrients in reserve to produce what it needs, so hunger simply goes into a stand-by mode until the cells tell the liver and brain once again that more nutrients are needed, at which point you start to feel hungry again.
You're also getting these nutrients in a more readily bioavailable form since the nutrients are also being delivered with tons of natural plant enzymes, which again take a great load off the pancreas since the body does not have to produce large quantities of enzymes to digest solid matter. Of course juicing is never a long term substitute for real, solid whole foods, but doing short term juice fasts and juicing daily or at least several times a week is a vital and fantastic way to ensure that you're getting large amounts of necessary nutrients in an unadulterated form each time you juice.
I mentioned above a little about the liver and brain receiving signals from the cells. The cells communicate with the rest of the body using energies very similar to light. A physicist by the name of Popp has demonstrated this in his many experiments with cellular communication. He started this work because the modern idea that the cells are all communicating via chemical messages simply did not hold up. Cells were receiving various signals far too quickly to be explained by chemical reactions. His research showed that in fact the whole body is communicating via energy in the light spectrum and that this communication goes on at nearly the speed of light. We are indeed all "luminous beings". This is also why getting out into the sun for 10-15 minutes a day is absolutely vital, not only for the production of vitamin D, but so that your cells can properly communicate with each other and especially the brain. The Chinese and particularly the Taoists practice visual exercises called "Administering Sunbeams" early in the morning and late in the afternoon to ensure that the brain and body get adequate amounts of UV rays from the sun. I'll talk more about this in a later article. The body does talk and has its own language of communication, it's absolutely amazing!
In regards to the liver, in Chinese medicine it's been known for centuries that the liver and spleen are very important for digestion. They are given a special relationship in the five element theory of Chinese medicine which teaches that each organ has solid ties with the others and that there is a definite cause and effect relationship at work. For example, the Chinese have known that the stomach and spleen are linked pairs. This is one of the strongest inter-organ relationships in the body. When the body needs nutrients and even more then just nutrients, but Chi, the liver, which is the vitamin storehouse of the body, sends a signal to the spleen (and stomach by extension) that it requires energy. The spleen, which gives its energy to the mind and is responsible for concentration and faith in Chinese medicine, then signals the stomach and brain that nutrients are needed and the brain interprets this and starts to send out a signal back to the stomach. We feel this as the beginnings of hunger. So naturally, we grab something to eat. When we were all eating real foods from nature, we got lots of nutrients, fiber, bulk matter, sunlight and earth energy in those natural foods and the various physical and energy systems of the human body were satisfied. This kept intense foods craving and bingeing to a minimum because those cravings simply never manifested themselves to the degree that we see today. This is precisely because so many people are consuming nutrient-, energy- and enzyme-dead foods, that the body is in a constant state of nutritional and energy deficiency. Because of this, the liver is not being given the nutrients, enzymes or bio-energy (chi) that it needs, so the feeling of hunger or of never feeling satisfied is nearly always "on" to some degree in most people today.
When you follow a whole foods diet, which includes juicing with lots of fresh vegetables that are nutrient and enzyme dense, you're giving your body not only the physical nutrients and enzymes that it needs, but because such foods are alive, there is also the vital and indisputable non-physical element of Chi present in the foods that the body also requires to convert all those nutrients into other chemical compounds, hormones and enzymes to carry out all its functions. When we eat processed foods such as sugar, which leeches calcium from the bones and teeth and nutrients from the liver, we're stripping away the nutrients needed and not giving the body what's truly needed for us to be healthy, feel great and live long and happy lives.
See, the body is very smart. It knows what is natural and good for it and what is not. It knows that real foods have nutrients, vitamins, minerals and energy present in them. Most other man-made garbage is treated as a toxin by the body. The liver takes care of the nutrient part and the spleen extracts the Chi or energy from foods. But when we consume man-made junk foods and useless stomach fillers such as doughnuts, cakes, candies, cookies, refined white breads, pastries and more, the body senses the various non-organic and foreign chemicals in these foods and the almost total lack of nutrients. The body must have nutrients to digest those foods, so it must somehow "borrow" the nutrients that it needs to digest this "food" from the liver, because the body can't digest them without these nutrients present.
Chemicals that the body cannot digest are considered foreign and toxic by the body and are moved to the eliminatory organs for excretion and elimination from the body. If it can't eliminate it, it does the next best thing, which is to "isolate" it away from the vital internal organs. It mostly does this by storing such foreign matter in the fatty tissues, the fascia between the muscles and the joints. In the case of the latter, this becomes one of the main causes of arthritis which is the body's attempt to store dangerous crystalline structures formed from the consumption of dangerous and unnatural chemical compounds away from the organs. Interesting that your computer anti-virus software also does the same thing when it can't eliminate a virus from the system, it "quarantines" it away so it does not damage the operating system or other critical files.
Getting proper amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients is absolutely vital for health, regeneration, strength, happiness and longevity. Just as a lack of vitamin C causes rickets and scurvy, just as a sufficient lack of the "B" vitamins can cause severe illness and eventually death, so too the lack of nutrients in our bodies causes slow degeneration of the body and eventual premature death. Very famous fitness gurus of the 1950's once said "If man makes it, don't eat it" and "It's not what you do some of the time that counts, it's what you do all of the time that counts."
We have to be aware of our nutrient intake every day, not just some days and not others. In this modern, fast-paced world it's hard to make sure we're getting all that we need. That's why taking a good multi-vitamin on a daily basis is very important. A good multi is not your "once a day" vitamins popularly advertised. I recommend the "Alive-Whole Food Energizer" as my number one multivitamin. That's because this product, made by Nature's Way is a whole food vitamin, meaning its not synthesized by man, but merely whole natural foods compressed into a tablet form. Some of the ingredients are even organic. It has tons of great stuff such as all the main vitamins and minerals in very good amounts for most, plus the following: "Green food/Spirulina blend, Digestive enzyme blend, Amino Acid complex, Garden Veggie blend, Orchard fruit blend, Myco defense mushroom blend with about a dozen mushrooms known to increase immunity including Reishi and Shiitake, Omega fatty acid blend and a vitamin C complex all from natural sources". Always remember that it's never a substitute for consuming real, healthy and preferably organic natural raw foods from nature, untouched by man.
For some further reading on the topic of nutrition and its relationship to health and degeneration, read "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston A. Price and "Pottenger's Cats: A study in nutrition" by Francis Marion Pottenger.
Richard Stacel is a network engineer and practitioner of Chinese martial arts, medicine and chi-gung for over twenty five years. Having learned many Chinese health and healing arts from old world gung-fu and healing masters and practitioners, Rich has helped many people to overcome their health issues and achieve their fitness goals. Through diligent study and experience he has taken this knowledge even further over the years including reading scores of books on Chinese medicine, health, nutrition, supplements, meditation, martial arts, physics, science and many other subjects. Utilizing the web, health and fitness videos, newsletters, articles, teachings and lectures, Rich is passionate about spreading the true knowledge of health, healing, fitness and spiritual truths. I'm proud to be writing articles for NaturalNews.com You can learn more about the Chinese Health and Fitness video by visiting his website at http://www.chinesehealthandfitness.com.
You can view all of my articles on the Natural News website at http://www.naturalnews.com/Author134.html.

The Health and Nutrition of Children

The subject of the health and nutrition of children and what exactly constitutes each one has often been debated. There are several schools of thought as to what makes a child healthy, and what completes a child's nutrition. Though the debate continues on till today, one thing most nutritionists and doctors can agree on is that health and nutrition do go hand in hand. It can't be said that one is more important than the other because they almost always come together.
According to the World Health Organization, health is being physically well and free from disease. Given that definition, the health and nutrition of children seems easy enough to achieve. While your children may be physically well and free from disease, however, it doesn't mean that they are not on their way to the opposite. This is why healthy eating is given such a focus when it comes to good health. Healthy eating maintains your child's physical well being and boosts their immune system to assure you that they will remain free from disease.
Nutrition, on the other hand is being able to provide a child's body with all the necessary nutrients they need. This is also very easy to follow and nutrition of children is always within anyone's reach. Many times parents turn to vitamins to make sure that their children get all the necessary nutrients. While vitamins are good, especially if your child cannot eat certain foods from which they can get certain vitamins, most children with healthy and balanced diets don't need vitamins. Healthy food can provide your child with most if not all of what your child's body needs.
Quite obviously, the health and nutrition of children go hand in hand. Healthy food provides proper nutrition, while being properly nourished provides a certain amount of good health. These two factors need each other, but it can only go so far. A third factor must come in, and that is exercise. To maintain a child's health, they also need to get a good amount of exercise in order to strengthen their bones, muscles, and body systems. Exercise is one of the best ways to boost a child's good health.
As a parent, you know that your child is getting enough good food that provides proper nutrition and enough exercise to keep them in good health through their behavior. The health and nutrition of children can come out in how they play, their general mood, and their physical appearance. Having a happy child who plays often, does well in school, and looks healthy with rosy cheeks and all is probably a child that is getting the proper nutrition and is absolutely healthy!
If we do not want to compromise our children's short-term and long-term health, it is important that we raise our children to love healthy food. This is why hiding vegetables is not always the best option when preparing kids' meals. This is where your creativity is put to the test. To start you off, click here for a 1-week healthy lunch menu you and your kids will love.

3 Tips on Proper Nutrition For Building Muscles and Losing Fat

No matter how hard you try in the gym, you won't see much result unless you combine your workouts with a well thought out nutrition plan. Without proper nutrition for building muscles and losing fat your body will always be lacking the balance and energy to complement your training efforts.
The good news is that the same rules apply to both muscle gain and fat loss nutrition planning, and that these rules are actually quite simple to follow. You will instantly notice an improvement in your mental capacity and focus, as well as an increase in your energy levels and workout recovery times.
1. Meal Partitioning
Increase the number of meals per day, but make them smaller and focused on what food they contain. Fruits, lean protein, vegetables and whole foods should always form up the main ingredients of each meal. You must instill some self-discipline here and get rid of high-calorie, high-fat and high-sugar foods.
If you're serious about losing fat while maintaining high energy resources for your workouts, you can't have things like chocolate bars, cookies, pies, ice cream, fried foods, etc. in your menu. Definitely not often anyway.
I know it's impossible to completely change your eating habits, but you need to start making changes today and be consistent and focused. By taking small steps in eliminating bad foods and adding good ones, you will achieve the necessary nutrition levels in a rather short period of time.
2. Drinking Water
It goes without saying that hydration is crucial, not only for preserving life altogether, but for allowing your body to function at its best. While the minimum intake should be at about 2 liters a day, nutrition specialists suggest at least 3 liters of water. This is quite true when you're working out to build muscle and lose fat as it helps your system to get rid of toxins more easily.
Calories that come from drinks such as soda, alcohol or beverages containing sugar are working against you, so replace the regular consumption of those with a glass of water. Don't think much about it and you can easily do it. You'll be glad you did later.
3. Creating a Nutrition Plan
You need to make a plan. Period. Going from meal to meal without having a clear idea what you should consume is not going to take you far. Nor will going into the grocery store and trying to figure out what to buy in the last minute. Unless you're experienced and have been following a plan for months or years, you will miss out on important ingredients, as well as end up buying something you shouldn't.
Plan with your daily schedule in mind. It's not feasible to cancel a lunch meeting or a business trip just to eat healthy, so make sure to point these out in your plan and prepare some whole food sandwiches or try to figure out in advance what foods to order in that restaurant, such that you don't have to break out of your nutrition targets.
Make a grocery shop list and stick to it. It will save you a lot of time and help you avoid mistakes, as well as keep those tempting candies and other treats out of your house. That way you can focus on following your nutrition plan to the optimum. Try to prepare as many ingredients and meal prerequisites so when it comes to making the actual meal you can have it ready in no time.
While a lot more can be said on the topic, I can guarantee you that just by following these 3 simple tips on proper nutrition for building muscles and losing fat you will experience noticeable results right from the start. Don't be surprised if you begin losing a pound or more per week just from having the correct nutrition alone.
Want to read and learn more about nutrition, muscle building and fat loss?
Visit Strength Training Blog, where he uncovers the modern approach to achieving nutritional balance, resistance workout and rapid muscle gain, losing weight, using affordable and effective equipment, the best guides to purchase and follow, and much more.

4 Ways Fad Diets Ignore Food Nutritional Facts

Food Replacement Diets
One of the most obvious ways fad diets ignore food nutritional facts is their replacement of food intake with pills, powders or supplements. The body cannot survive on what these diets provide in nutritional value. The body fat that they may burn temporarily doesn't contain the necessary recommended levels of vitamins and minerals for good health. Sure fat does contain some vitamins stored in them but these are not the only nutrients the body needs. Many vitamins are water soluble and so they need to be ingested each day or they get washed away.
Reduced Calorie Diets
Now reducing the amount of calories that are eaten will result in weight loss, unfortunately many fad diets ignore food nutritional facts and reduce calories far below the recommended levels. A diet that has an adult consuming less then 1500 calories per day is a fad diet. The diet will not only reduce performance it may lead to health complications. Losing weight by jeopardizing your health is not an even trade nor should be considered. The body needs a minimum level of nutrition each day and sensible weight loss takes this into consideration, a fad diet does not.
Unsustainable Diets
One of the telltale signs a fad diet ignores food nutritional facts is its lack of sustainability. If you cannot survive in the long term on the diet then it is a fad diet. A diet like the liquid protein diet is a classic example. Not only can it not provide long term nutrition it can't even supply short term nutritional needs. Engaging in an unsustainable diet will really work against the dieter in the long run. Many that have participated in these kinds of fad diets report short term weight loss but as soon as the diet is discontinued the weight loss stops.
Narrowly Focused Diets
Many fad diets ignore food nutritional facts by having a very narrow food focus that will require the dieter to eat only from a small selection of foods. These diets are really dangerous as they deplete the nutrient reserves of the body. Unfortunately the dieter doesn't know their reserve nutrients have been depleted to dangerously low levels until its too late. The grapefruit diet is a classic example of a narrowly focused diet. There is no way that a grapefruit can provide the body with adequate amounts of nutrients each day. Even if you ate 10 of them they just don't have the nutritional value needed.
Proceed with Caution
Dieting is truly serious business and even more so when food nutritional facts are ignored. Diets can have serious health consequences if it is not approached sensibly. Listening to the hype of the fad diet gurus is the first mistake one can make when considering the best way to drop a few extra pounds. There are plenty of ways to lose weight that are healthy while providing the necessary components of nutrition the body requires. Proceed with caution when deciding to undertake any new diet and check it out fully before committing to it.
I have worked in the fitness industry for over 10 years and have tried many weight loss and fitness programs. I have also written several reviews of some of the top weight loss programs, which you can see on my website at http://www.weightlossattack.com. This website was set up for anyone wishing to lose weight, and is designed to give advice and plans for fat loss, toning muscle and general weight loss.

Rain Nutrition Marketing Ineffective

Dear Reader,
What you are about to read involves years of trail and error and real life experience combined with industry averages.
Rain Nutrition Quick Overview
Rain Nutrition opened it's doors in 2009 and sells a new healthy beverage. Their product has some of the highest antioxidant levels in any drink product and are more potent than any superfood known to man. Their two core products are Rain Soul and Rain Rush. Rain Soul was their first product and Rain Rush is an energy beverage. The science behind Rain has been around for 20 years but Rain Nutrition is the first to actually formulate a product for human consumption based on this exact science.
Rain Nutrition has chosen the MLM or network marketing vehicle to reach consumers. Network marketing has been a way many new beverage companies have chosen when entering the market. The MLM model involves selling products to your friends and family and then recruiting them as distributors. When new reps sell to their warm list they can also sponsor them as distributors and earn bonuses from team sales. In theory this creates a duplication process that drives sales.
The Rain Nutrition marketing style has it problems.
Here is the issue. The style of marketing that network marketing companies teach doesn't work  for 96% of the folks in the industry. These marketing strategies may have worked in the past for a higher percentage of people but in today's market they have become very ineffective.
Rain Nutrition lays out their marketing plan on their web page. Below is a list of activities they recommend to new sales reps. They call this duplication.
Find your WHY
I actually agree with number one. Whatever business opportunity you choose to build you will need to dig deep down inside and find your why. You must have a desire and a drive to find success.
Go Core
What Rain is talking about here is being committed. You must me committed to your business if you want to become ultra successful.
Make a Contact List
Ok, this is where things start to slide into a situation where people start having difficulties. First of all Rain Nutrition preaches duplication. How can someone who has a contact list of 75 names duplicate someone with over 1,000 business and sales contacts? It's a no brainer. The person who holds 1,000 quality contacts has an advantage over the one with a few contacts. Duplication doesn't not exist when it comes to people.
Expand Your Warm Market
This is where Rain tells you to contact everyone you have ever made contact with. They suggest using social networks like facebook, your community and your church. I can tell you that I get tons of e-mails daily from folks on Facebook asking me to check out their opportunity and guess what? Everyone has a different opportunities and they all claim to be the best. This type of marketing (if you can call it that) only produces a bunch of confusion in the industry and yields almost no results. The warm market list and bugging old friends on Facebook is not going to be the best way to grow a business.
Consider this
"Hmmm....Let me see. I will call Auntie Margaret who is 89 years old and convince her to sell my juices. Or maybe uncle Fred. He has always liked me and will do it if I ask. I'm sure he won't get mad if he makes zero dollars and spends a whole months worth of pay on products."
Am I making sense? The people you should be talking to are people who are self motivated and have a drive to hang in there even when it requires and excruciating amount of work.
Follow Up and Invite
This means drag your friends and family to an opportunity meeting where they will get a huge dose of hypnotism and be worked over for a sale. Have you ever experienced one of those vacation club presentations? They they trick you into coming with a free vacation and then try to sell you a $40,000 timeshare. Those people won't leave you alone. Would you really force your Grandmother or best buddy to one of those? This is very similar to an MLM meeting and it's all wrong. That's not the right strategy and the wrong people to try to recruit.
Use The Right Tools
Get ready to spend some money. You can purchase business cards, company DVD's, flyers, brochures and a self replicating web page. These are all very ineffective ways to grow your business and the money you spend on them will not turn you a profit. I have never known anyone to make any money from a replicated website. And actually replicated web pages drive more people away than create sales. If you are promoting Rain Nutrition on the web then I can guarantee you people have been to a web site just like yours many times before. It simply does not work.
Have a Party
Well this is a great idea, why not have a big party? You can purchase a ton of food and set out a bunch of product and invite? You can probably guess who. Invite all your friends and family over for a selling party. People rarely want to go to these? They feel pressured like they have to buy something. Again this is not an effective way to market and you are taking advantage of your relationships to make a buck.
Attend and Invite 
Leaders in Rain hold company events where speakers are brought in. These leaders could be guest speakers or a leader within Rain. This is a great way to train your team an also sponsor new reps. This is a fantastic way to grow your business if you have the right kind of people to bring to these. The key is finding the right kind of people.
The Rain Nutrition marketing system is flawed. Their products are fantastic but like other network marketing opportunities they do not have a system that is easily duplicated. A warm list runs out fast and you are left with no practical way to build you business. What you must understand is this is a "marketing" business. Without a marketing strategy or a marketing system you can not grow a huge business. If you were opening a sandwich shop you certainly wouldn't rely on just your friends and family to support it.
Right before your very eyes there is a revolution taking place. This revolution is the internet. The web is creating opportunities for people that have not had the means to reach a mass of people. This juggernaut of information has made it possible for people to literally create fortunes from their home office. Over the past few years some of the brightest minds have been developing ways to grow their MLM businesses online. They have done this without the warm list, without cold calling, without home parties and with out flyers and brochures.
I'm not knocking Rain Nutrition for their their way of marketing because until now there were not many options. However, there is a better way and a new way and the future holds a huge reward for those who learn these strategies early. Online marketing is just beginning and if you start now you will be in for a long and wild ride to the top. I reach out to Rain Nutrition and all the other MLM's out there. It's time to look toward the future because the times are changing fast. You don't want to get left behind. If you are looking for a change in your MLM business and a complete turn around of how you approach your business then follow the links in this article.
For more information on Rain Nutrition and other marketing information visit MLM Extreme Growth where you will gain access to over $1,900 in in free marketing resources.

Why You Need a Diet and Nutrition Coach?

There are many misconceptions about diet and exercise. As a chiropractor I have seen people unnecessarily beat themselves up for gaining weight or getting out of shape. Many of today's health problems have direct correlations with poor nutrition and diet. This means that many diseases and conditions can be treated by implementing proper nutrition, diet and exercise programs.
Try comparing your nutrition program to an exercise program. How many times have you observed people working out in the gym doing exercises incorrectly? It is usually for one of two reasons. The first is that they simply do not know how to do the exercises correctly. The second can be the result of closed mindedness. They may not be open to learning how to help themselves by taking the advice of others.
These two reasons can also stop you from realizing your true health potential. To implement a proper diet and nutrition program, you need a personal nutrition trainer. Hiring a nutrition coach that uses nutrition response testing enables a diet and nutrition program to be customized just for your needs. Imagine working out as hard as you can at the gym. If you are doing the exercises incorrectly, you are actually working against your goals. If you have a condition that is affected by nutrition, it may be increasing in severity with every day that continues untreated.
It is also important to keep an open mind. If you are not open to learning new ways of doing things, than how can you learn? Often people need to expand their thinking and allow others to helps them. This includes trying new techniques such as nutrition response technique. That is what a nutrition coach can due for you.
Nutrition response testing is a technique that allows the doctor to determine the precise nutrients that you require and the proper amounts to take. A comprehensive exam, questionnaire and reflex testing are used to eliminate the guesswork of which and how often to take nutritional supplements. Healthcare works best with a team approach that utilizes shared responsibility between the patient and the doctor.
Dr. Robert A. Simmons is a Chiropractor and Applied Kinesiologist in Charlotte, NC. Focused on improving health and wellness using postural evaluation with Chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology and Nutrition Plans.
Dr. Simmons operates the Chiropractic and Kinesiology Center. Free Chiropractic Health and Nutrition Seminars and Workshops are held regularly and are open to the public.