Many commercial pet food advertisements give you the impression that they're full of choice ingredients. Pictures of plump chickens, eggs and select cuts of beef adorn the packaging of these products, but the reality is actually quite a bit different. Americans buy 16.1 billion dollars worth of dog food every year. It's a business like any other. Many of these products are made from the waste of the meat packing business.
Usually grains are the major component of these pet food recipes. This despite the fact that dogs are basically carnivores. Now a dog can't survive on a 100% protein diet, but it is nutritionally beneficial for you pets to eat substantially more protein than is included in many commercial dog foods. Some of the companies who make dog food will even manufacture a product that barely meets the minimum dietary requirements of the average dog. This is a pricing strategy. It allows them to sell an inexpensive product to the portion of the population that doesn't want to spend a lot of money on their pet's diet.
Take a look at the ingredient list on a bag of supermarket dog feed. Often meat by-product is the source of protein for these products. Meat by-product can consist of anything from hair to hooves. Liver, kidney, head and intestines are routinely included in the portion of the product that is termed protein. Finally, the kibble is packed full of additives: artificial colors and flavors to make the food more appealing to you and your best friend.
There are many other options for you pet. Consider feeding your dog a healthy, nutritious organic dog food.
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