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Good Nutrition Starts at a Cellular Level. #nutrition

If the cells lose even the smallest amount of ability to produce energy for the body, the result is a decline in our general health and the emergence of sometime multiple degenerative conditions.

Healthy cells produce our "vitality" - the body's healthy energy level and natural resistance to stress.

The big question becomes, how do we make sure our cells are working at full throttle on the energy front? Fortunately, maintaining healthy cells is fairly simple as scientific research shows that good nutrition is the key.

Cells and energy

What we eat can affect our cells and their efficiency in producing energy. The mitochondria or the "power plants" of the cell each contains a unique pattern of DNA, and their job is to facilitate cellular respiration, a process through which they transform oxygen and nutrients into energy and water.

The finger-like folds in the mitochondrial inner membrane contain the respiratory "chains" where this process takes place.

Unfortunately, oxygen, which is needed for this process to occur, is toxic to biological molecules and cells. That means that all processes involving oxygen, including cellular respiration, creates free radicals as a by-product.

It's just a consequence of normal metabolism, but these free radicals tend to oxidize biological molecules, just like iron oxidizes when it rusts. Over time, this oxidation can damage the cells, and halt cellular respiration, leading to the death of the cell.

The body's defense against this toxicity is to use antioxidant molecules against the free radicals.

The body however, does not always get it right, and sometimes it is not able to produce enough antioxidants for the job. The result is that free radicals move around freely, ravaging the body's proteins, fats, and DNA/RNA. The body will remove and repair some damaged macromolecules, but often the sheer overwhelming number of free radicals brings the repair system to its knees.

Oxidative stress

In 1956, Professor Denham Harman came up with a theory that postulates that as we age and the oxidative damage the body has sustained over the years takes its toll, the level of oxidative stress rises.

This means that oxidative damage increases over the course of a lifetime and accelerates in old age. At that point, we tend to see the occurrence of degenerative diseases, and obvious signs of ageing.

Oxidative stress and chronic degenerative diseases

Today, scientists and doctors widely agree that oxidative stress figures prominently in eye problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration, atherosclerosis and heart disease, cell mutation and cancer, all kinds of inflammatory conditions, as well as brain and nervous system conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.

Neutralizing free radicals and disease prevention

So how do we reduce or prevent free radical damage to the cells?

If oxidative stress increases when antioxidant defenses are compromised and free radical levels rise, surely we can decrease oxidative stress by improving the body's antioxidant defenses and reducing the number of free radicals floating around the blood and tissues.

Optimal cellular nutrition

The experts agree: Optimal cellular nutrition is the best way to boost the body's natural defenses.

This involves providing ALL nutrients to the cell at optimal levels, and allowing the cell to decide what it does and does not need.

This way, we can ensure that there aren't any nutritional deficiencies - because nutrient levels will automatically be corrected within a few months of regaining optimal cell nutrition.

This seems easy enough, but one question still unanswered is: Which nutrients are needed for optimal cellular nutrition?

Basically, it means giving your body all the antioxidants in addition to the supporting B vitamins and antioxidant minerals.

It has been noted by some researchers that the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of each nutrient may in fact not be enough for our cells to prevent many health conditions. The RDAs are old, determined during the WW years, and apply to minimum nutrient intake to ward off deficiency diseases common back then. As a result, they don't take into account conditions such as chronic degenerative diseases, which occur more frequently today.

Optimal levels to prevent degenerative disease

Today, the optimal levels of nutrients known to provide health benefits are much greater than the recommended daily allowances: eg: some studies show that the optimal level of vitamin C is approximately 1200 to 2000 mg daily, the RDA is only 60 mg.

Because the enormous amount of fresh vegetables and fruit we would have to eat to obtain these new levels of nutrition is unmanageable for humans, the best, and most logical way to get optimum levels of vitamins,minerals and other nutrients is to take a good quality supplement.

Think of cellular nutrition as a very wise way of using the supplement and your food as "preventative medicine" to stop the disease process before it even begins.

It is a Myth that If I have a healthy diet, I do not need to take any supplementation.

In fact, it is proven that if a large group of people were to follow the exact same dietary lifestyle & exercise program, a percentage would still suffer from high or low blood pressure, high or low blood sugar, or high or low stomach acid, while others could develop arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, mental illness, or other medical conditions.

Most nutrition-related health issues in Western society are not caused by nutritional deficiencies, but rather nutritional imbalances, which will negatively affect cellular nutrition and are responsible for many common medical problems in older people, while metabolic disorders can cause nutritional deficiencies following the malabsorption of certain nutrients.

When we analyze people living to a ripe old age in reasonable health without the need of supplementation, we find that they had a lot of odds in their favor: good genes and a lack of factors that tend to upset the biochemical balance necessary to maintain good health. Anything upsetting the cellular nutrition balance will do one of three things: shorten someone's life, worsen its quality, or require compensation through extra nutritional support or drug intervention.

The difference between people who take nutritional supplements (that match cellular nutrition requirements), and those who do not can always be detected in the way the body handles a crisis/trauma. If you look at younger people in a crisis situation, they simply tend to handle various medical situations better, or recover faster than older ones. This would suggest that by ingesting the correct nutritional supplementation we could in fact be lowering our biological age.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7010492

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