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Nutritional Supplements - Should I Take Them? #nutrition

Lots of people take nutritional supplements to bridge nutritional gaps in their diet or as proactive health measures against certain health conditions. Are you sure you are taking the right nutritional supplement specific to your health needs? Taking some time to assess your health needs can help you choose the best supplement for optimal health.But your question may be more basic: Do I really need to take nutritional supplements? We live in unique times. Stress, pollution, conveniently accessible processed foods, unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles overtime can take their heavy toll on our health. This may manifest itself in bouts of tiredness, unhealthy weight gain, digestive problems, insomnia, or a weak immune system. In addition to these common symptoms of poor health, each of us has uniquely individual health needs.Taking care of your body today is like investing in your health for tomorrow. Let's address some common reasons why many people do not take nutritional supplements. And those who do take nutritional supplements may also discover that you can benefit by changing or adding nutritional supplements to your diet as you assess your individual health needs.Let's begin with:

I don't need nutritional supplements. I eat healthy and get enough nutrition through my diet.I would suggest you do a simple exercise to confirm whether your diet is meeting your nutritional needs. Note down everything that you eat for two weeks, including the quantity. Check a nutrition table and track the nutrient value of everything you eat. After two weeks, work out your daily average and check your daily rating against your RDAs. You may be in for a slight shock! Statistics show that most Americans don't meet their nutritional needs. Lack of protein, too many carbohydrates. You might find that your diet lacks protein but is too high in carbohydrates. This is very common in the American diet. Cutting down on the carbs and supplementing your diet with spirulina or chlorella (high-protein content) will help fill this nutritional gap. Lack of fiber. Another common feature is lack of adequate fiber. Fiber supplements are available as an individual product or may be included as an ingredient in a whole food nutritional supplement. Fiber is known to bind toxins in your GI tract and help speed its transit through your digestive system, thus minimizing their absorption in the body. Fiber is also known to promote healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. If your diet falls short on many RDA counts, consider taking a superfood supplement which includes multi-vitamins, minerals, protein, dietary fiber, probiotics and enzymes for good digestion.
I have a busy life. I've tried taking them, but my schedule doesn't allow me to be consistent. I travel a lot.If you lead a busy lifestyle, taking a nutritional supplement regularly will help you have the energy and concentration power you need to perform at your maximum best. You may be on the go all the time and miss out on meals. Nutritional supplements are available in convenient-to-carry individual packets. This is usually in powdered form to be mixed with water. You can carry packets with you any where you go, and use it any time you feel the need for an energy pick-up.It is important to attend to your health needs as a priority, in addition to the many other important demands in your life. A busy schedule can add stress to your life. Stress can increase the toxin levels in your body. Not only would your body need to be armed with B-complex, but nutrients like resveratol and omega 3s can help to increase your concentration and cognitive abilities. Green tea is also known to have soothing benefits for a tired mind.
I don't know which nutritional supplement to take. Take some time to assess your health needs. The simple exercise mentioned above will help you find your nutritional needs. You can either adjust your diet to meet your needs or introduce supplements to bridge the nutritional gaps. If you are still unsure, seek the advice of your doctor before you take any supplement.However, everyone can benefit from taking a multi-vitamin supplement. An effervescent multi-vitamin formula is the best since it allows 99% bioavailability. Look for one from a reputed company.
I take a multi-vitamin. I don't think I need to take anything else.As research on nutrition advances, there are more nutritional supplements available to strategically help you with specific health needs. Some might be formulated for health conditions you are facing or you may likely face because you are in a higher risk category for such diseases. These include: High cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol levels test high, or you have a family history of coronary disease, then you should look for herbal supplements that can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Omega 3 supplementation is advisable for improved heart health. Look for a pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Other nutrients for heart health include resveratrol, cocoa and green tea. Some products contain a combination of all 3 for powerful antioxidant power that promotes cardiovascular health. Diabetes. Green tea is also known to help support healthy blood sugar levels. Green tea supplements are available in various forms. Arthritis: Omega 3 fatty acids, along with other nutrients such as glucosamine sulfate, methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM), hyal joint have been well researched for their role in supporting joint health. Stress Induced Conditions. Stress is known to cause poor immune health and a host of health issues such as premature aging due to free radical damage. Antioxidants also help to reduce free radical activity. Free radical activity is the unstable activity of cells which can lead to their malfunction and malformation. Antioxidants help maintain normal cellular growth and repair of cells.
I'm scared I may overdose.It is very unlikely that you will overdose from nutritional supplements. Nutritional supplements do not provide you your complete RDAs-just a portion of them. The rest you must get from eating a balanced diet.
Many health problems can be linked to nutritional deficiencies. For some this may mean that the road to better health may lie in improving nutritional habits. This is where nutritional supplements can play an effective role in supporting your health.Nutrition experts recommend that you get your nutrition from your diet as often as possible. Nutritional supplements are to be taken in addition to a well-balanced diet. A regular exercise routine can benefit your health as well. Discuss with your doctor about taking supplements that could strategically meet your individual health needs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1827820

Put Power Behind Your Nutritional Information. #Nutrition

Nutrition information and natural remedies are now being used by a large population in the United States and throughout the world. People are looking for alternative ways to create health or recover from long standing illnesses. Drugs have been applied for around a hundred years and we all know that they are good for emergencies and for short term use to get past health dangers.

If you are sick or have certain body conditions that are creating pain, then consider learning enough nutrition information that will help you eliminate that sickness or pain. Learning the basic principles of nutrition is not hard, but it does take a little effort in finding the right nutritional course that teaches practical ways of applying nutrition.

Nutrition is actually a science, which can get quite complex in theory. Nutrition information is concerned with the chemical make up of food, how this food is digested, how it is absorbed and used by your body. It is all about how it is used to promote health, and how it is used to prevent and eliminated illness.

Applying practical nutrition stops the beginning of inflammation. This prevents the formation of disease. If disease is developing or well established, nutrition can reverse these conditions. But it can only do this if not to much tissue or cells in that area have not been destroyed.

Inflammation comes from excess acid in your body. This acid is created from the foods you eat. Eating certain foods leave an acid residue in your cells that then travels into the liquid surrounding your cells - lymph liquid. In the lymph liquid, this acid can damage the surrounding cells and tissue and in doing so starts the inflammation process.

Many scientists and medical researchers have uncovered the basic principles of the acid-alkaline body. Maintaining an acid body, which many people have, is what creates and maintains various deadly diseases. Most pathogens like an acid body. Cancer thrives in an acid body.

Nutrition gives you the information you need to know on how to maintain an alkaline body. It gives you the information on what foods are acid and alkaline. Eating the right foods is how you maintain your health. But, nutrition information goes further in explaining how your body uses the foods you eat and how your entire body functions with this good food.

Nutrition says your body is bioelectrical. Your body is run by electrical and chemical reactions. You need to discover what foods support these electrical and chemical activities. Without the right electrical activities in your body, your cells will not get the right nutrition, which is necessary for your survival. Nutrition is also about discovering what food, nutrients and minerals your body needs and what illness you develop if you don't get them.

Learning natural nutrition information is now possible online. In the past it was difficult to learn nutrition without going to school. Finding courses in practical nutrition can be difficult but what you and most people need is to learn is nutrition that you can put into practice. Find the time, find the course, and find the health that you need with the right nutrition course.

Right Now, you can get Free our first lesson in the new eight month nutrition information course that we have created for you. Do you want to discover a new level of nutrition that is now available online? This level will help you stop and recover from illness and help you prevent illness and disease. These weekly lessons provide you with practical help and provide some in depth nutrition ideas. For the information you need on nutrition, come by and discover what this practical nutrition course has to offer Optimum Nutrition.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1947087

Cellular Nutrition is the Best Basic Nutrition. #Nutrition

Quite evidently, the very best basic nutrition is absorbed through cellular nutrition. What a joy to hear the excitement in the voice and see the astonishment in the eyes of a person who has started a cell activated nutrition program! The reaction is typical enough that it's no wonder certain specific programs like these are among the world's most popular. Yet the happiness and exuberance expressed, about the newly discovered energy level and overall sense of well being that comes with them, is always unique and gratifying.

What is Cellular Nutrition?

Cellular Nutrition is the principle that would be adhered to by a person seeking the very best solid basic nutrition program. It's been found that in order to be genuinely effective, nutrition must start and stay at the cellular level. This makes great sense because we, our bodies, are made up of trillions of cells, each with its own special function and basic nutritional needs to perform that function. So, it becomes of prime importance not only to find out what each of these specialized cells nutritional requirements are, but then to make sure the correct specific nutrition is delivered to each cell and be properly absorbed by each cell. The Medical Advisory Board researches for the exact best ingredients and calculates the nutrient ratios in the very best supplement nutrition programs available. These programs produce a kind of nutritional efficiency that is optimal nutrition for each and every cell in the body!

Who Should Use One of These Nutrition Programs?

A cellular nutrition program should be part of everyone's daily regimen. The benefits are immense. Millions of people who've tried these programs have reported that they feel better than ever with the greatest energy ever. Some report they've never felt or even looked better in their entire life. Most doctor appointments are made by persons complaining of fatigue. The increased incidences of obesity have been associated with an increase in the occurrences of colon, prostate, and breast cancer, and also heart disease. Its been observed that these existing conditions frequently are nutritional issues and that often better eating habits and/or weight loss through optimal nutrition can be a key to the solution for these health challenges. While these programs are not to be considered a 'cure all' or medicine for any particular ailment, the results of millions of people who've dealt with these health challenges and tried cellular nutrition speak for themselves! Succinctly put, cellular nutrition is a life wellness path choice that promotes metabolic improvement so as to enable all body systems to function at their peak best.

How to Get Started On Cellular Nutrition?

Because so many ailments are the result of diets containing foods deficient of nutrition like pre-packaged or fast food meals, it is strongly recommended that you replace those meals with a diet promoting cellular nutrition absorption of healthy nutrients. Three items are highly recommended as a simple basic nutrition foundation that will lead to excellent nutrient absorption at the cellular level:

1) A healthy nutritional meal with at least 9 grams of 98% digestible protein. (Some protein shakes are among the most technically advanced foods available today)
(2) A multivitamin with micro nutrition from numerous vitamins, minerals and botanical herbs.
(3) A cell activating supplement formula for repairing and reawakening the villi in the small intestine, increasing the nutrient absorption through cell activation for increased vitamin, mineral and food assimilation and intake effectiveness. These three kinds of product provide the foundation of an excellent cellular nutrition absorption program for the body's essential basic nutritional needs.

In conclusion, should you be looking into the efficiency of nutrition and what it can mean to your health challenges and goals, or even if you just want to look and feel your best with great energy, check into a cellular nutrition program. You will see clearly that, for our bodies, the very healthiest and best basic nutrition is cellular nutrition.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3144561

Lack Of Basic Nutrition Creates Generation Of Criminals, Prison System Society. #Nutrition

A new study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry shows that children who experience malnutrition exhibit strikingly increased behavioral disorders and aggressive behavior as they grow older. The study looked at children between the ages of eight and 17 years, and found some rather shocking statistics about their behaviors.

Children who suffered certain nutritional deficiencies demonstrated a shocking 41% increase in aggression at age eight. At age 17, they demonstrated a 51% increase in violent and antisocial behaviors. And the only difference is their diet. It's all about the foods they were eating and the nutrients they were missing.

What specific nutrients were missing from their diets? Four primary nutrients were tried in the study: Zinc, iron, B vitamins and protein. Malnourished children weren't getting crucial minerals like zinc and iron, and they weren't getting the B vitamins they needed to develop healthy nervous systems. And a healthy nervous system is a prerequisite for mental and emotional health and stability.

Now let's talk about these nutrients in a little more detail and explore why these nutritional deficiencies are so widespread. Zinc is perhaps the single most common nutritional deficiency in the American population. Estimates are that more than 80% of the population is deficient in zinc. As a result of that deficiency, people's immune systems are impaired, they're not able to resist infectious diseases such as influenza, they're not able to heal their wounds as quickly and they're not able to recover from surgical procedures as quickly as they could if they had zinc. It also affects fetal development in pregnant women and impairs neurological function.

And yet zinc is cheap! It only costs a few pennies a day to supplement our diets with zinc. In fact, it's one of the least expensive supplements you can get. But in our country we still have widespread chronic deficiencies. And as we're seeing in studies like this, our zinc deficiency is leading to - let's say it bluntly - criminals.

Why do we have so many criminals in this country? Because so many of them are raised with nutritional imbalances which then distort their mental function, their mood, their response to stress and their ability to be successful in modern society. At least those are major contributing factors.

At the same time we have B-vitamin deficiencies, which is interesting because so many of the popular food products sold in grocery stores all over the country and around the world actually deplete the body of B vitamins. The two most common ingredients in our foods seem to be white flour and sugar. It's hard to find any product in the grocery store, it seems, that isn't made with flour or some form of added sugars, whether it's sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose or just plain sugar. These two ingredients are both highly refined ingredients, and they tend to strip away nutrients from the bodies of people who consume them. For example, when a person eats a donut, that donut contains both white flour and added sugars, which deplete the body of B vitamins, causing deficiencies. And it is these deficiencies that lead to antisocial behavior, aggressive behavior and ultimately criminal behavior - especially among males.

Another dietary factor in these behavioral disorders, it turns out, is a lack of quality protein. People aren't getting high quality protein because they think the only place to get protein is from beef and red meat, when in fact superfoods like spirulina offer much higher quality protein. Soy and rice proteins are also much higher quality proteins. In fact, there are many plant proteins that are actually healthier proteins for human beings, but are not being adequately consumed by the American population. People tend to turn to meat and milk, and those are in my opinion the worst sources of protein if you wish to maintain long-term health.

So we have a population that suffers from widespread nutritional deficiencies - that much we know. But what may surprise you is how we actually deal with these deficiencies. Instead of spending a few dollars a month on nutritional supplements that would prevent these chronic diseases and aggressive behaviors, we end up spending hundreds of billions of dollars a year on building new prisons and treating these people with expensive prescriptions and mind-altering drugs. When it comes to children, for example, instead of giving them the food they need to be healthy, which would prevent these diseases and disorders, we dose them on Ritalin, antidepressants and other mind-altering drugs. This is expensive. It also impairs the child's learning capability while at the same time increasing the child's risk of violent behavior and suicide.

Here we have a nutrient deficiency, most notably the B vitamins, that is causing children to act aggressively and be diagnosed with ADHD. The solution offered by conventional medicine is to dose them with antidepressant drugs that actually promote more aggressive behavior as we've seen in recent school killings. What kind of solution is that? It sounds crazy, but it's exactly the solution being implemented every day, right now, all across the country. Perhaps even with your child. But these kids don't need drugs; they need vitamins, nutrition and healthy foods.

But even if you went to the grocery store for fruits and vegetables and ate them three times a day, you still wouldn't be getting adequate nutrition. To figure this out for yourself, just do the math. Add up the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) numbers on the labels of all the foods you consume, and you'll find out that if you're going to meet the minimum requirements set by the U.S. government for preventing chronic disease, you're going to have to eat, on average, 10,000 calories a day of grocery store foods. That's 500% more food than an individual needs if they're a healthy adult of average weight. It's impossible to eat that much, even if you try hard. Morgan Spurlock, the creator of the "Supersize Me" documentary, ate nothing but McDonald's food for 30 days. He stuffed himself with McDonald's food three times a day and still only managed to eat about 5,000 calories. You would have to double Spurlock's incredible feat to eat 10,000 calories a day. And only then would you be meeting the minimum requirements for nutrition.

And yet, those minimum requirements aren't enough to experience optimum health; all they do is prevent the most obvious nutritional deficiency diseases such as beriberi, scurvy or even rickets. If you want to get optimum health, you've got to supplement your diet through nutritional supplements, or by consuming superfoods like chlorella or spirulina, sprouts, berries and products like The Ultimate Meal or Berry Green. This is the only way you can get adequate nutrition.

As we're now realizing with this study, a huge segment of our childhood population clearly is not getting this nutrition. As a result, we are raising yet another generation of children with behavioral disorders, aggression and problems with the law. Essentially, we are raising tomorrow's criminals. These are the people that will be put in federal prisons that you and I will have to pay for with our taxpayer dollars. We're going to have to support them, and it costs a lot of money to support prisoners. Not only do they not produce anything, they don't pay taxes or contribute to the revenue needed to support society. They actually suck away revenues from society by costing something like $60,000 per year per prisoner on average. They simply waste away without learning new skills that could help them assimilate back into society someday.

Now think about it. We could spend a few dollars a month on our children, and give them nutritional supplements that prevent all of this. The choice is this: spend a few dollars a month on supplementing our kids' nutrition, or let this become a full-blown problem where we have to build more prisons and spend tens of thousands of dollars every year to support them in our federal prison system. Which choice makes more sense? If you were running the country and had to decide where to spend the money, where would it make more sense? Should you spend a couple of dollars a month on nutritional supplements for children and pregnant women, or should you spend $60,000 a year on each and every criminal that is created by nutritional deficiencies?

So what's the solution here? It's easy. Nutritional supplements should be made available free of charge to the entire population. The government (the taxpayers, actually) should provide free vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to the population, especially pregnant women and children, so that we can prevent birth defects and behavioral disorders early on. We would save countless dollars down the road. This is something I've supported for a long time and I will continue to promote.

But of course, nothing is free. American taxpayers would be footing the bill, but it is a wise investment. By spending a few dollars on disease prevention today, we are avoiding the long-term expenditure of a lot more money taking care of a society full of criminals. Nutrition is a great investment, and preventing disease has a big payoff for society. I say we pay close attention to these studies and find ways to provide better nutrition to our children, our expectant mothers and our general population so that we can prevent these diseases before they become problems for society.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/192424