

Do you think that these are the best solutions?

Healthy Eating - The Greens Are Edible Too

We are accustomed to thinking of beets and turnips as root vegetables, but the leaves are also edible and nutritious. Greens became popular in the southern United States after the US Civil War. Food was scarce and people experimented to find new food sources.
Turnip greens are nutritionally dense, providing a good supply of nutrients for their number of calories. One cupful, with 29 calories, supplies...
  • Vitamin A: more than twice the daily adult requirement
  • Vitamin C: 66 per cent
  • Calcium: 20 per cent
  • Iron: 6 per cent
  • Folate (vitamin B9): 42 per cent
  • Vitamin E: 14 per cent, and
  • several other B vitamins
Indigestible fiber, although not a nutrient, is important for slowing carbohydrate absorption, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels, and for keeping your digestive system healthy. One cup of turnip greens supplies 20 per cent of the daily fiber requirement.
The need for omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is not established but they are important for heart health. One cup of turnip greens provides about 92 mg of omega-3 fat and about 40 mg of omega-6 fatty acid.
Salads Packed with Living Nutrition. Make a salad with turnip greens, romaine lettuce, sliced cabbage, and your favorite vegetables. Or substitute the turnip greens for spinach occasionally.
Beet greens can add some color as well as nutrients to a salad or another dish. A cup of beet greens, with 39 calories, supplies the following recommended daily allowances...
  • vitamin A: 220 per cent
  • vitamin C: 60 per cent
  • calcium: 16 per cent
  • Iron: 6 per cent
  • Riboflavin (a B vitamin): 24 per cent
  • other B vitamins and vitamin E
  • Fiber: 17 per cent
A cupful of beet greens also supplies 8.6 mg of omega-3 fatty acids and 93.6 mg of omega-6 fatty acids.
Use beet greens with other greens and chopped vegetables in a salad, or bake them with a little olive oil for a tasty, crunchy snack. Cooking.nytimes.com suggests making sauteed beet greens with olive oil, pepper flakes, and garlic.
If turnip and beet greens are unavailable at your local market, try planting from seeds or from scraps. Growing from seed will give you both roots and greens.
Cut off the top of the root and plant it in rich soil with plenty of compost and without rocks. Water daily to keep soil moist. This will not grow root vegetables, but it should produce more greens. Although the plants will tolerate shade, full sunshine for six hours a day is best. Eat healthily.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9410837

Healthy Eating - 3 Breakfast Foods to Begin Your Day With. #nutrition

Chances are, you already know it's critical to be feeding yourself a healthy meal first thing in the day. A healthy breakfast will get your body running smoothly as you begin your day and ensure you maintain control over your hunger in the hours ahead. Unfortunately, many people who are trying to lose weight skip breakfast thinking this is a good way to cut calories. But this idea can backfire in a big way.
Rather than skipping breakfast, choosing a better breakfast is the way to go although some breakfast foods are wiser choices than others as far as maintaining steady energy and stabilizing your blood sugar levels are concerned.
Let's look at the three best breakfast foods for you to consider...
1. Eggs. Hands-down, you just can't go wrong with eggs. Eggs provide an ideal source of protein, some healthy fats, and will also provide a small amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal function.
Anyone who consumes eggs first thing in the day tends to have more control over their hunger during their meals later on in the day. Therefore, they are less likely to over-consume calories.
2. Low-Sugar Plain Greek Yogurt. Greek yogurt is another excellent choice for fueling your body first thing in the morning. Many people shy away from dairy-rich foods, thinking they're not a healthy addition to their eating plan, but this isn't the case.
As long as you choose wisely, you can certainly include them. Plain Greek yogurt is...
  • lower in sugar content,
  • rich in protein, and will also
  • provide calcium to strengthen your bones.
Plus, Greek yogurt will also contain probiotics which are necessary for proper immune system support and digestive health.
Complete this meal by adding some berries, bran flakes/buds and a few nuts.
3. Whey Protein. While you may not want only to have a liquid calorie intake first thing in the day as they don't provide the satiety benefits you're after, consider adding a protein shake to your breakfast food choices.
If you are eating breakfast food that doesn't offer much protein - say a bowl of oatmeal or a banana with peanut butter, the protein shake will help round out the nutrition, bringing the protein you need to your breakfast.
Plus, those who consume whey protein powder also tend to experience greater appetite suppressing benefits. This too could help you limit any mid-morning snacking.
Keep these breakfast options in mind as you gear up for your morning. Taking 10 minutes to prepare a healthy meal will pay off regarding the energy and appetite control you experience during your day.
Although managing your health can be very challenging, there are many steps you can take to improve your overall health. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight, your blood sugar levels and your blood pressure. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beverleigh_H_Piepers/123142

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9400040
By Beverleigh H Piepers

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9400040

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9400040

10 Super Foods to Eat This Spring. #Nutrition

Warmer weather is gradually arriving (at least to us in Seattle!) and many of you, like myself, are likely starting to shift your eating. Heavy stews and fortifying soups are on their way out in place of lighter fare with seasonal produce. Personally, I always find this time of year that I've forgotten many of my favorite Spring and Summer foods as this transition happens, and I get into a food rut, rotating through many of the same meals until something reminds me of the variety at my fingertips (ie the store or farmers market). For that reason I created a list of the some fabulous "super foods" to start incorporating this Spring.
First off I will say I don't really like the term "super food." By super food we really just mean, "a healthy whole food that provides a combination of vitamins, minerals, and health protective compounds." MANY foods fit this criteria. Below are just a few of the many options you may have neglected over the winter. Pick one or two this week to add in as a snack or as part of a meal. No time to start changing things up like the present!
1. Strawberries
Maybe you noticed, but strawberries were listed as #1 on "dirty dozen" list this year, meaning they are the number one pesticide-contaminated produce item. Unfortunate to say the least, but don't forget you can choose organic to get the wonderful and delicious health benefits of this tasty fruit. Also, you can often find frozen organic strawberries in most stores at a much more affordable price, so be creative! Strawberries pack of a hefty dose of vitamin C, a few trace minerals and a host of antioxidants, making it a great choice for the warmer months.
2. Leeks
These green, onion-like veggies are often overlooked, but don't! They are a nutritional powerhouse of Vit K, manganese, iron, Vitamin C and B vitamins. In fact, they can be a great replacement in any dish that calls for onions. I've done this loads of times myself. Just cut off the tough stalk and chop up the tender white portion to use in your next dish. Alternatively they work great as a soup or baked into a quiche!
3. Salmon
You may have ignored salmon over the winter, so start including more of this super food as the weather warms. Salmon is great not only because is it a good protein source, but also because it's loaded with Omega 3 fats and provides a good amount of Calcium, Vitamin D, Selenium and B12. Pair it with a simple salmon for a light Spring dinner. Just make sure to always buy wild caught over farm raised to avoid potential toxins and genetically modified organisms.
4. Olives
There are so many different types of olives to choose from! Hit up the olive bar at your favorite grocer sometime and try some new varieties. All of them are high in monounsaturated fatty acids and contain important nutrients such as copper, iron, fiber and Vitamin E. They are also a wealth of unique antioxidants giving them heart-protective properties.
5. Pumpkin Seeds
Hiking season is coming up on us fast, so don't forget to pack some pumpkin seeds for the trail. In fact, pack them everywhere for an easy snack. Pumpkin seeds provide an appreciable amount of zinc (great for your immune system!) and other minerals such as phosphorous, manganese, and copper.
6. Artichokes
These fleshy little friends are often overlooked as well, especially since getting to the actual edible portion of this rather large vegetable can be challenging for some. Never fear, you can always find them jarred or canned to save you the time and hassle. That being said, check the link below to expand your skills and become an artichoke-opening champ. Like other foods on this list, here we have another one loaded with antioxidants and high in fiber. Studies have shown artichokes to also be helpful in liver health, preventing cancer, and reducing cholesterol. For pregnant women, artichokes are a great source of folate.

7. Chocolate
It seems the health benefits of chocolate continue to be debated (much like coffee!) but I believe the overwhelming consensus is that chocolate is super for your health. Do watch the sugar and choose the highest cacoa content that you can, but otherwise enjoy the benefits of all those antioxidants, healthy fats, and fiber with every bite. A small square per day makes a great snack.
8. Hemp seed
You may have yet to hear of these, but hemp seeds are gaining in popularity. Yes, if you were wondering, they are from the same plant as cannabis, however the seeds contain trace if any of the mind-altering compounds found in the leaves of the plant. The wonderful thing about these delicate little seeds is that they are high in protein and rich in essential fatty acids. They also contain a variety of minerals and antioxidants. Try adding a tablespoon to your morning yogurt, oatmeal or smoothie.
9. Beets
I associate beets with Spring salads, adding richness in color and flavor to any leafy arrangement. Besides appearance and flavor, they contain unique phytonutrients that support our bodies in detoxification, cancer prevention, and heart health. Unfortunately these phytochemicals can degrade with prolonged cooking, so prepare them as efficiently as possible. Check out this link for an ideal way to cook your beets for maximum retention of nutrients.

10. Leafy greens
Speaking of salads, leafy greens are the ultimate Spring food, chocked full of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. Like other foods on this list, they protect the heart, help the body prevent cancer, and supply a great source of vitamins and minerals, particularly folate, potassium, Calcium and Vitamins A, C, and K. Plus, there are so many options to choose from! Spinach, kale, chard, dandelion greens, mustard greens... pick your favorites and enjoy in a salad, smoothie, stir-fry, or anywhere!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9398642

Cellular Nutrition is the Best Basic Nutrition

Quite evidently, the very best basic nutrition is absorbed through cellular nutrition. What a joy to hear the excitement in the voice and see the astonishment in the eyes of a person who has started a cell activated nutrition program! The reaction is typical enough that it's no wonder certain specific programs like these are among the world's most popular. Yet the happiness and exuberance expressed, about the newly discovered energy level and overall sense of well being that comes with them, is always unique and gratifying.
What is Cellular Nutrition?
Cellular Nutrition is the principle that would be adhered to by a person seeking the very best solid basic nutrition program. It's been found that in order to be genuinely effective, nutrition must start and stay at the cellular level. This makes great sense because we, our bodies, are made up of trillions of cells, each with its own special function and basic nutritional needs to perform that function. So, it becomes of prime importance not only to find out what each of these specialized cells nutritional requirements are, but then to make sure the correct specific nutrition is delivered to each cell and be properly absorbed by each cell. The Medical Advisory Board researches for the exact best ingredients and calculates the nutrient ratios in the very best supplement nutrition programs available. These programs produce a kind of nutritional efficiency that is optimal nutrition for each and every cell in the body!
Who Should Use One of These Nutrition Programs?
A cellular nutrition program should be part of everyone's daily regimen. The benefits are immense. Millions of people who've tried these programs have reported that they feel better than ever with the greatest energy ever. Some report they've never felt or even looked better in their entire life. Most doctor appointments are made by persons complaining of fatigue. The increased incidences of obesity have been associated with an increase in the occurrences of colon, prostate, and breast cancer, and also heart disease. Its been observed that these existing conditions frequently are nutritional issues and that often better eating habits and/or weight loss through optimal nutrition can be a key to the solution for these health challenges. While these programs are not to be considered a 'cure all' or medicine for any particular ailment, the results of millions of people who've dealt with these health challenges and tried cellular nutrition speak for themselves! Succinctly put, cellular nutrition is a life wellness path choice that promotes metabolic improvement so as to enable all body systems to function at their peak best.
How to Get Started On Cellular Nutrition
Because so many ailments are the result of diets containing foods deficient of nutrition like pre-packaged or fast food meals, it is strongly recommended that you replace those meals with a diet promoting cellular nutrition absorption of healthy nutrients. Three items are highly recommended as a simple basic nutrition foundation that will lead to excellent nutrient absorption at the cellular level:
1) A healthy nutritional meal with at least 9 grams of 98% digestible protein. (Some protein shakes are among the most technically advanced foods available today)
(2) A multivitamin with micro nutrition from numerous vitamins, minerals and botanical herbs.
(3) A cell activating supplement formula for repairing and reawakening the villi in the small intestine, increasing the nutrient absorption through cell activation for increased vitamin, mineral and food assimilation and intake effectiveness. These three kinds of product provide the foundation of an excellent cellular nutrition absorption program for the body's essential basic nutritional needs.
In conclusion, should you be looking into the efficiency of nutrition and what it can mean to your health challenges and goals, or even if you just want to look and feel your best with great energy, check into a cellular nutrition program. You will see clearly that, for our bodies, the very healthiest and best basic nutrition is cellular nutrition.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3144561
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3144561